Original Article

The Role of Ultrasonography for Diagnosing Wilms Tumor in Developing Country


Background: Overall five-year survival rate of Wilm’s Tumor (WT) in developing countries is still poor. Delayed diagnosis is one of the contributing factors, whereas early diagnosis is an important thing for the outcome. It is caused by the WT burden in developing countries that was not comparable with the number of facilities for diagnosis and treatment. Ultrasonography (USG) is the mandatory first-line imaging modality in children with a suspected abdominal mass and an overall sensitivity of76%. Additionally, it can be found in many health facilities at a lower cost, quick, non-invasive, and carries no risk of radiation.   Therefore, the relationship between USG and histopathology should be measured.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study with an analytical approach was performed in pediatric (0 untill 18 year of age)  renal malignancy and neuroblastoma that admitted to Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung between 2015-2018. Data were collected from medical records. Statistical analyses using Fisher exact test were done to determine the significance of the relationship between USG and histopathology.

Results: Forty-three samples were obtained based on inclusion criteria, such as  WT (n=33), neuroblastoma (n=6), renal clear cell carcinoma (n=2), and no specific type of renal malignancy (n=2). Fisher exact test revealed the no-significant relationship between USG and histopathology with a p-value > 0.05

Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between USG and histopathology. Therefore, centralized unity for USG interpretation is recommended.

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IssueVol 15, No 3 (2021) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijhoscr.v15i3.6844
Wilms tumor (WT); Ultrasonography (USG); Histopathology

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How to Cite
Rahmani A, Sari NM, Indriasari V. The Role of Ultrasonography for Diagnosing Wilms Tumor in Developing Country. Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 2021;15(3):145-151.