
Adiponectin and Leptin Molecular Actions and Clinical Significance in Breast Cancer


Obesity is an important public health problem and major risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer. Adipose tissue is the major component involved in the control of the metabolism through energy homeostasis, adipocyte differentiation, insulin sensitivity and the activation of anti-inflammatory metabolic and immune pathways. Leptin and Adiponectin pathways are involved in proliferation process in breast cancer. Current review describes potential relationship between the molecular actions and clinical significance of leptin and adiponectin in breast cancer.

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Adiponectin Breast Cancer Cytokine Leptin Obesity

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Nalabolu MR, Palasamudram K, Jamil K. Adiponectin and Leptin Molecular Actions and Clinical Significance in Breast Cancer. Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 1;8(1):31-40.