
Study of D/G Hemoglobin incidence in a sample population (single institution)


Background:  The hemoglobin disorders constitute the most prevalent group of monogenic disease A findings consis¬tent with this is a hemoglobin/G variant indicating that the patient has HbD/G trait. Hb D/G traits are clinically benign. In this study, the epidemiology of HbD/G was reviewed in a single institution in Iran.
Methods and Materials: We conducted the epidemiological study at Aliasghar children's hospital and all patients with HbD/G were entered to this study. The hematological values, hemoglobin electrophoresis, peripheral blood smear and clinical findings were collected in the data special form.
Among 11825 hemoglobin analysis performed, we detected 101 cases of hemoglobin D/G. There were 55.4% male and 44.6% female, median age 9±13.36 yrs. Homozygous of D/G was found in seven pa¬tients with splenomegaly, jaundice, mild anemia and Reticulocytosis. Heterozygote patients were as¬ymptomatic. There wasn't any correlation between HbD/G with serum ferritin, MCV, Hb and sex.
Conclusion: In Iran HbD/G is relatively benign condition with mild anemia, Poikylocytosis and minimal hemolysis.

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Hemoglobin D/G Hemoglobinopathis Iran

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Arjmandi K, Faranoush M, Bahoush G, Vossough P, Hedayatiasl A, Ansari S, Shahgholi E. Study of D/G Hemoglobin incidence in a sample population (single institution). Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 1;2(1):23-25.