Case Report

Primary Vaginal Chloroma: A Rare Case Report


Chloroma (granulocytic sarcoma or myeloid sarcoma) is a rare malignant extra-medullary neoplasm of myeloid precursor cells. It is usually associated with myeloproliferative disorders but very rarely may precede the onset of leukaemia. Here we are presenting a rare case of chloroma in  a female patient without initial presentation of AML. 38 year old female patient, with performance score-1 had complaining of per vaginal bleeding for 1-2 days. Patient consulted gynaecologist and underwent biopsy from anterior fornix of vagina. Biopsy material was positive for LCA (leukocyte common antigen), MPO (myeloperoxidase), c-kit positive on IHC (immunohistocytochemistry) while negative for cytokeratin, synaptophysin, chromogranin, CD20 (cluster of differentiation. Whole body CT scan was non informative except mass lesion at vagina. Patient was given 3+7 induction chemotherapy which was tolerated well followed by high dose cytarabine as consolidation therapy.

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IssueVol 12, No 3 (2018) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Chloroma Myeloid sarcoma Patient Decitabine

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Madabhavi I, Patel A, Modi M, Revannasiddaiah S, Chavan C. Primary Vaginal Chloroma: A Rare Case Report. Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 2018;12(3):165-167.