Vol 7, No 4 (2013)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 167 | views: 344 | pages: 1-9

    Background: Vancomycin is used abundantly in patients undergoing HSCT, especially during neutropenic fever. Despite its widespread use little is known about vancomycin pharmacokinetics in HSCT patients. We conducted this study to investigate vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters in our HSCT patients and to evaluate current dosing regimen based on trough vancomycin concentrations measurement.
    Methods: Vancomycin serum concentration at steady-state was determined prospectively in 46 adult HSCT patients who received vancomycin as empirical treatment of neutropenic fever. Individual steady-steady pharmacokinetic parameters were also determined in 20 patients who had two vancomycin levels from an administered dose, assuming one-compartment model. Acute kidney injury was also evaluated in our patients during vancomycin therapy.
    Results: Mean (±SD) apparent volume of distribution (L/kg) and clearance (mL/min) were 0.6 (± 0.33) and 109.7 (± 57.5) respectively. With mean (±SD) total daily dose of vancomycin 31.9 (±10.5) mg/kg/day that was administered, more than 90 % of measured vancomycin trough concentrations were outside the range of 15-20 mg/L and 54.3% of patients had trough concentrations below 10 mg/L. Of 46 patients, 21 patients (45.7%) developed acute kidney injury (AKI) during vancomycin therapy; among them 19 patients were receiving nephrotoxic drug(s) concomitantly.
    Conclusion: Current vancomycin dosage regimen could not lead to recommended therapeutic serum concentrations in our patients. Large variation in vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters observed among patients of this study along with difference of vancomycin pharmacokinetics in our study and other similar studies further explain the need for therapeutic drug monitoring and individualization of vancomycin dosing.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 174 | views: 347 | pages: 10-14

    Aim: the aim of this study is to assess the growth parameters, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorous status in children with thalassemia major receiving packed red cells transfusion with chelation therapy.
    Patients and Methods: In a case control study, 100 patients with beta thalassemia major (aged from 4 to 15 years) were compared with 100 sex- and age-matched children serves as a control group. Anthropometric measurement, Serum level of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D (25 hydroxycholecalciferol) were estimated for all patients & controls.
    49% of our patients had short stature. 47% were underweight. BMI of 43 (43%) patients were low. The mean total serum calcium (6.6±1.2 mg/dl) and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH Vit D) (10.4±4.6 mcg/dl) levels were significantly lower in our patients than in controls (10.2±1.06 mg/dl and 40.2±12.3 mcg/dl, respectively); each P< 0.001.
    Conclusion: Children with beta thalassemia major have delayed growth and metabolic abnormalities that signify the importance of therapeutic interventions. The presence of these abnormalities may be due to iron overload and poor nutritional support.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 126 | views: 210 | pages: 15-23

    Background: Umbilical cord tissue is a very rich source of mesenchymal stem cells. Instead of discarding this source we are banking the tissue along with cord blood for possible future cell based applications. The cord tissue needs to be transported and stored properly in order for it to be good enough for cell isolation at a later date. In this paper we have carried out a validation study to determine the maximum permissible time between cord tissue collection and beginning of cell culture process under defined conditions of temperature and collection media.
    Methods: Ten cord tissue samples were used for this study. The umbilical cord tissue segments were transported and stored at 2 – 8oC for varying periods of time viz. 04, 11, 22 and 30 days in a defined medium after which MSCs were isolated and characterized by flow cytometry. Karyotypic studies were also performed on the isolated cells at the above time points.
    Results: MSCs could be successfully isolated from 09 even samples after a storage period of 22 days and from 07 samples after a period of 30 days from the date of collection. There was no change in the morphology, immunophenotye, karyotypye and growth potential of the cells isolated from cord tissue after the maximum storage period of 30 days.
    Conclusion: The umbilical cord tissue is stable for as long as 22 days if stored at the recommended storage conditions of 2 – 8oC in the defined medium.

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    Background: Recent researches have led to find strategies to prevent relapse and to improve survival for gastric cancer patients, including preoperative neo-adjuvant approaches. However, the efficacy of some neo-adjuvant regimens including 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, and docetaxel have been less investigated. The present study evaluated the outcome and mid-term survival of patients with gastric cancer who undergoing this regimen.
    Methods: In a randomized double-blinded controlled trial performed at the Firoozgar hospital in Tehran in 2011-12, 61 patients were randomly assigned to treatment (32 to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) before surgery and 27 to surgery alone). The present study tried to assess the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy regarding improvement of mid-term survival, complications, and R0 resection status.
    Results: The two groups were matched in terms of gender, mean age, cancer location, and TNM staging. However, R0 resection in the former group was 85.7%; while this indicator in the isolated surgery group was significantly lower (61.5%). Regarding WHO performance, no significant difference was observed across the two groups. Patients in neo-adjuvant chemotherapy group were followed for mean follow-up time 10.32 months and those who categorized in isolated surgery group were followed for mean follow-up time 10.88 months. Mid-term mortality rate in the two groups was 14.3% and 15.4%, respectively (p = 0.866). In this regard, 3-, 6-, and 9-month survival rate in neo-adjuvant chemotherapy group was 96.4%, 89.3%, and 85.7%, respectively. These survival rates in the surgery group were 92.3%, 88.5%, and 84.6%, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that among all study variables, only R0 resection status could predict mid-term mortality.
    Conclusion: Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and surgery compare to surgery alone more improve R0 resection status, but mid-term survival rate is similar in the two regiments. R0 resection status can effectively predict appropriate mid-term survival in undertreated patients.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 121 | views: 245 | pages: 29-33

    Introduction: The long-term use of immunosuppressive agents for prevention of allograft rejection increases the risk of malignancy approximately 100 times as high as that in the general population and Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a relatively common malignancy after kidney transplantation. The aim of present study was to investigate the frequency of KS in patients with kidney transplantation in 20 years period.
    Material and methods: In this study Charts and pathology reports of 1487 recipients for kidney allografts treated at Imam Reza hospital between 1991 and 2012 were reviewed. The SPSS software package version 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) was used for the statistical analysis.
    Results: There were 17 of 1487 incident cases of KS kidney transplant population at our hospital in period of study. There is no significant difference between age and gender of patients. The mean time between transplantation and non-KS malignant tumors was 34.4 ± 21.8 months (range 12–140 months), while in KS patients it was 18.7 ± 25.2 months, which was statistically significantly different (P < 0.05). After detection of KS in 12 patients, we perform serum antibody detection against HHV. Among them, 8 (66.6%) were seropositive.
    Conclusion: KS is a common long-term complication in renal transplant recipients, with an increased incidence compared with the general population. Given that candidates for organ transplantation who are seropositive for HHV-8 -and thus at risk for KS- can now be identified, chemoprevention should be available in this high-risk population.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 252 | views: 6863 | pages: 34-39

    Background: Acute renal failure describes as a syndrome by rapid decline in the ability of the kidney to eliminate waste products, regulate acid–base balance, and manage water homeostasis. When this impairment is prolonged and entered chronic phase, erythropoietin secretion by this organ is decreasing and toxic metabolic accumulates and causes hematological changes include decrease of HCT, MCV and RBC and platelet counts. This study evaluates present of anemia and thrombocytopenia in patients with acute and chronic renal failure.
    Materials and Methods: This study conducted on 132 patients with renal impairment and also 179 healthy individuals as two separated control groups. Initially patients with renal problem were tested and after confirmation of impairment, patients were divided in two groups, acute with less than 3 months and chronic with more than 3 months renal failure, based on duration of the disease. Then complete blood count performed for each patient and finally obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software.
    Results: Comparison between 96 patients with acute and 36 patients with chronic renal failure revealed that severity of anemia (HCT, Hb and MCV) between these two groups were statistically high in comparison with control groups (P>0.05) but thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic renal failure was statistically different from control and the acute ones (P<0.001).
    Conclusion: It was recommended that in patients with chronic renal failure, to prevent the risk of bleeding, platelet count should be checked periodically.

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    T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is an invasive disease with a higher incidence in children and adolescents. In terms of Immunophenotype, T-ALL is positive for CD2, CD7, CD34 and HLA-DR, and the level of these markers is increased with increasing age. In addition, the myeloid markers (CD13, CD33) are sometimes expressed in T-ALL. In this study, we introduce a rare case of a 28-year-old woman with T-ALL with aberrant expression of myeloid markers (CD13), without lymphadenopathy and with 94% blasts in bone marrow specimens. The patient has the rare karyotype of 46,XX del(7)(q11.2q22). The presence of del7 is a rare phenomenon in T-ALL.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 113 | views: 219 | pages: 45-48

    Wilms' tumor (WT) is the most common primary renal tumor in children. Common sites of metastases are lungs, liver and regional lymph nodes. Testicular and paratesticular metastasis due to WT have been reported but it is extremely rare. We report a 33-month -old male with bilateral WT and metastasis to right spermatic cord.