Vol 8, No 1 (2014)


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    Introduction: Alloimmunization is a reaction of the immune system to foreign antigens. For prevention of alloantibody formation, performing of type and screen test is necessary on a patient's blood specimen as part of pre-transfusion testing.
    Materials and method:
    In this cross-sectional study, type and screen test done for 1420 patients with elective surgery for detection of alloantibody in Imam Khomeini hospital in Ardabil.
    Results: Prevalence of alloantibody in this population was 0.92% (13 patients) and 99.2% (1407 patients) showed no alloantibody in their serum. The most prevalent alloantibody was anti-K, anti-E and anti-c. No significant relationship observed between sex and alloimmunization rate.
    Performance of type and screen test play an important role in reducing the rate of alloimmunization, and also, could reduce the demands for blood reservation in hospital blood banks.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 142 | views: 261 | pages: 5-8

    Introduction: Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor in children and young adults and appropriate chemotherapy can increase limb sparing and overall survival. Yet, the toxicity of chemotherapy regimens including MTX can be life threatening. Therefore; we tried another chemotherapy regimen for these patients.
    Method and materials:
    We investigated 15 patients aged 15 to 40 years old and used continuous infusion of cisplatin, doxorubicin intermittently with ifosfamide, doxorubicin as neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Percent of necrosis and toxicities was recorded for each patient.
    Out of 15 patients investigated, 13 were males and 2 females. Tumor necrosis≥ 90% (defined as good necrosis) was observed in 60% of patients. 26.7% of the patients showed leucopenia grade three or four, 26.7% had anemia grade three or four, and 20% showed thrombocytopenia grade three or four.
    The above chemotherapy regimen can cause as good necrosis as the chemotherapy regimens including high dose of MTX with reduced toxicity and less nursing cares and laboratory tests. Of course small sample size limits extension of our result to all patients but trying this regimen is recommended in more patients to see more reliable results.

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    Background: β-thalassemia considers worldwide public health disorders. Novel fetal hemoglobin inducer agents such as thalidomide and sodium butyrate have been attended for ameliorating clinical complications of such disorders.
    Material and Methods:
    We used thalidomide and sodium butyrate for increasing the level of fetal hemoglobin in erythroid progenitors. Briefly, after isolation of CD133+ stem cells from umbilical cord blood and differentiation into erythroid lineage, erythroid progenitors were treated with thalidomide and sodium butyraye as single and combination. H3K4 histone methylation was evaluated following fetal hemoglobin induction using chromatin immuno percipitation (ChIP) technique.
    Results: The results of this study showed that the effect of thalidomide on increasing of H3K4 methylation was highest compared to sodium butyrate and combination of both agents (p < 0.05).
    Consequently, our study of the epigenetic modification of the γ-globin suggests that histone H3K4 dimethylation are significant for the regulation of developmental stage-specific expression of the γ-globin genes.

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    Background: Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a population of multipotent progenitors which have the capacity of proliferation and differentiation into mesenchymal lineage cells. Hypoxia could promote the proliferation of MSCs. Micro-RNAs are endogenous RNAs that can play an important role in some processes such as proliferation and differentiation. MiR-210 could help for better proliferation of MSCs since this miRNA could activate HIF pathway. In current study we investigated if MSCs can preserve their differentiation and proliferation ability under normoxic conditions by upregulation of miR-210.
    Materials and Methods:
    MSCs isolated from C57 BL/6 mice by flushing it's femurs into the cell culture media. After 72 hours, MSCs which are plastic adherent cells were attached to the flask and non-adherent cells were removed. Subsequently, MSCs induced to differentiate into osteocytes and adipocytes with specific differentiation media in order to confirm their identity and multipotency. Then miR-210 was inserted in Lentiviruse vectors and affected MSCs. In each passage, the number and viability of cells were evaluated.
    Comparison between miR-210 infected MSCs with control cells showed that miR-210 has ability to increase proliferation of MSCs significantly.
    We showed that miR-210 has ability to induce proliferation of MSCs without any negative effect on their differentiation abilities. Further studies are needed for evaluation of probable effects of miR-210 mechanisms on MSCs proliferation.

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    Objectives: Thalassemia (thal) is the most single gene disorders in southeast of Iran. About one quarter of total Iranian new thal cases were born in the Sistan and Balouchistan province so the aim of this study is to assess knowledge level and attitudes towards thal in high school students in Zahedan, capital of Sistan and Balouchistan province in Iran.
    Study design: cross- sectional descriptive survey 
    Methods: this study was conducted on 762 Zahedan high school boys and girls students in 2009. The structured questionnaires were completed by students which consisted of three parts, namely  emographic characteristics, knowledge part by 20 multiple choice questions and attitude part by 9 questions. 
    Results: The results indicated that only 14.7 % students had good knowledge, good knowledge towards thal was 16.2% in boys and 29.1% in girls (P-value<0.001), positive attitude was 76.7% in boys and 84.7% in girls (P-value<0.029). Negative attitude in students who were born in villages and cities were 33.3% and 20.7% respectively (P-value=0.04). Good knowledge level in experimental field studied was between 2-4-fold more than other field students. Students in the last year high school had more knowledge and more positive attitude. Students’ knowledge score had no significant relationship with father education level (P-value=0.11) but had considerable difference with mother educational level (P-value=0.03).
    Conclusions: It is concluded that long term and target based programs are suggested for high school students and local population of Sistan and Balouchistan where the trend of family marriages is quite high. These programs would impart valuable education and improve knowledge of people towards thal being couples in pre-marriage period and then after becoming parents thereby reducing the effects of disease.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 204 | views: 418 | pages: 31-40

    Obesity is an important public health problem and major risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer. Adipose tissue is the major component involved in the control of the metabolism through energy homeostasis, adipocyte differentiation, insulin sensitivity and the activation of anti-inflammatory metabolic and immune pathways. Leptin and Adiponectin pathways are involved in proliferation process in breast cancer. Current review describes potential relationship between the molecular actions and clinical significance of leptin and adiponectin in breast cancer.

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    Secondary systemic vasculitis and nonbacterial endocarditis are rare events. We report a case presented with different manifestations of underlying malignancy such as systemic vasculitis, non bacterial endocarditis and DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy). Efforts to find the source of malignancy was unsuccessful and due to patient's unwillingness for further evaluation, finally under the diagnosis of metastatic disease of unknown primary, patient is receiving cyclic chemotherapy.

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    Colorectal cancer most commonly metastasizes to the liver and lung. Metastatic colon carcinoma (MCC) to the breast is extremely rare. Krukenberg tumor is an uncommon metastatic tumor of the ovary.
    Case presentation:
    A 38 years woman presented with abdominal pain. In evaluation colon cancer was diagnosed at stage 3. FOLFOX chemotherapy was done. After one year she developed Krukenberg tumor. Few days after ovarian tumor resection breast tumor was diagnosed. In immunohistochemistry both ovarian and breast tumors was CK7 negative, CK20 positive, compatible with colon cancer origin. This is the first case of simultaneous metastasis of colon cancer to two rare sites.